For experts in the field of particles and powder technology, please contact Solids Solutions in Delft. Powders often form the basis for the development of specific products. They form the basis for certain substances and it is therefore important that the composition of the particles is correct. When powders are unmixed, this can have a negative impact on the performance of a product. That is why we focus on conducting research and finding solutions for the development of various products in different industries. Research, seminars and knowledge centreAt Solids Solutions we not only do extensive research in the field of powders, particles, porosity and chemical compositions. We carry out trouble shoots to find suitable solutions. We are also happy to share our knowledge and findings with you in the form of courses and seminars. We focus on various industries, from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry to the food and building materials industry. In our agenda on the website you can find out which courses and events are planned. In addition, you can always visit our knowledge centre, where you can view various documents and research reports. Calculating BET surface area by means of BET analysisIn order to determine the porosity of a solid, a BET analysis should be performed. By means of gas adsorption the BET surface area can be calculated. In most cases nitrogen is used for this, but for certain substances other types of gas give a more accurate result. Activated carbon, for example, often uses argon or carbon dioxide. Both the specific surface area of the substance can be determined, as well as the pore volume and pore size distribution. Various techniques and instruments are used for this purpose. If you would like to know how we can help you further in the development process, please feel free to contact us. | |