The Solver of Problems in Business. Prof. Milan Krajnc, your expert on your personal and business success Prof. Dr. Milan Krajnc is one of the most outsanding leaders in business psychology of his generation. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics 2021 for his scientific contributions to the global economy through the science of Dynamilogy, which unlocked the secrets of nature as he express on his book the Dynamic Leadership Model. “Follow my advice, so that you do not make the same mistakes I made.”– Milan Krajnc “The Dynamic Leadership model” will change your perception. The purpose of this book is to present a model of dynamic leadership which in more than a hundred cases has proven itself to be an excellent method for overcoming both professional and personal crises, as well as for managing challenges so that they do not even get to the crisis stage. The Dynamic Leadership Model is a business paradigm for the direction, organisation and communication strategies of a company that prevents the personalities of those people who actively shape the business from influencing the it. The entire model is based on the laws of nature. Once ‘Crisis Captain’ Milan Krajnc gets to know the employees, he can predict their decisions and next actions. He is a ‘business oracle’ – but there is nothing supernatural about what he does. Everything is based on the laws of physics and the knowledge that the personality which influences the process the most is that of the director. Once he or she changes their behaviour, the causes of the acute problems are also eliminated. This book describes many successful cases where the Dynamic Leadership Model had a powerful impact on the successful transformation of a company. Dr. Milan Krajnc is the expert on your personal and business success solving problems caused by different personalities in companies, municipalities, and countries. He provides services on Premium personal consulting, Advanced consulting services for companies, Advanced services for family businesses, Advanced consulting services for public institutions, Advanced Team Building Program, Advanced program for awakening consciousness, etc. For decades, he has been running a private practice in the field of psychotherapy. He has been solving crises in companies and family businesses for 20 years. He has written hundreds of books and scientific articles in leadership and relationships. The “Dynamic Leadership Model” has already been translated into 11 languages and is still being translated to many others. Milan Krajnc is an expert in solving the challenges that arise from the interaction of different personality types within a company or organization of any size and scope, from local to national levels. He is able to complete projects that are already being undertaken as well as initiate transformation from the very beginning. He seeks out the root of a problem and eliminates it. He is the creator of the Dynamic Leadership Model. To all the readers there is a promotion of Personal Breakthrough 1 hour (150 € voucher). Now you can give yourself or a loved one the strongest gift: the opportunity for a complete personal transformation. By purchasing one voucher you give 1 hour of professional counselling and experienced management from renowned expert Milan Krajnc. Contact: +377 678 63 69 66 / / Le Forum, 28 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, 98000 Monaco